
Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Beavis McClutchen"

Beavis McClutchen was a jolly old soul....He spent his day's down at the fishing hole.....He never really fished much.....But he loved to talk....To all his buddies down by Dragon Fly rock....There is Charlie Carody.....They call him "CC"...... Johnny DePalma......And Stinky McGee.....He has many friends that he talks to each day...But his very best friend is Kevin McClay......Kevin has all the stories...He know's everything......He wear's a hat with a feather.....And has a shiny gold ring......Beavis and Kevin they are quite a pair.....They always bring lunch....And they love to share....They bring a big basket full of all kind of things.....Like Apple's and oranges....And hot chicken wings......They laugh...They have fun....And they eat good too......But they have never caught a fish...As far as I knew....I don't even think they put bait on their hook....But I can't really say...Because I never really looked....But I know one thing for certain and I know it for sure.....They eat...They have fun......Is there really much more?.....So if you see Beavis McClutchen....And fun's what your wishing....Ask him if he would mind taking you fishing......~Dan Greene~


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed quite a fun way you have with words!

Unknown said...

Thank you!