
Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Have you ever got pooped on by a bird?"

Have you ever got pooped on by a bird? It's not fun all it's not even a turd. It's white and it's runny and has berry seeds too. It's the worst bunch of crap...It's the worst bunch poo. I was  just walking along singing a song. And something hit my arm was all kinds of wrong!!! You may think its funny...It might make you laugh but it grossed me out......I just wanted a bath. I yelled up at that bird....what's a wrong with you? Can't you wait till you land on the ground to Poo? He chirped at me as he flew by......your lucky it didn't land in your eye. I yelled back to him your a dirty bird with your white runny crap that's not even a turd. As I looked up.....and watched him fly ....Yeah you guessed it...that bird pooped in my eye... And all I could say was why,why,why????? ~Dan Greene~


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Unknown said...

Thank you so much glad you liked it!!!