
Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Primrose Lane"

One day I was walking down Primrose Lane. The sky was so sunny. There was no signs of rain. It was the kind of day you just wanted to smile. And soak it all in for a long little while. I said hello to Pete Peterson as he passed me by and his brother Fred who had a black eye. I said Fred may I ask what happened to you? Your eye is so black! With big rings of blue...Fred said its a long story but I will try to explain. It happened right here on Primrose Lane. You know that big hill at the end of Lane? Near that old house with  those big Window panes? I was waiting for Sam Stiffel to meet me there his dad got us tickets to the County Fair. I was  just bouncing my ball off that big yellow wall waiting for Sam and I took a fall. I fell on my face in a very wrong place ..I hit my my eye and I started to cry and that's the story of my black eye...Then Pete said to Fred come on let's go. We are going to be late for the big clown show. I said my goodbyes and I continued to walk down Primrose Lane to the end of the block. The next person I seen was Betty Jo Hanson she lives on Elm Street in a great big mansion. People say she is snotty but I disagree she always takes time to talk to me. I said hi Betty Jo how are you? She said I'm fine now but I had flu. I had a temperature of 103 and my mother made me drink this gross herbal tea. But I'm feeling much better now so I'm taking a walk. I am glad you stopped and I'm glad we could talk. I smiled and I said I'm glad we talked too. And I'm glad your feeling better and over the flu. I said Betty Jo are busy or free? Would like to come have a ice cream with me? Betty Jo smiled and said yes I am free and ice cream is much better then gross herbal tea. So we walked and we talked and we laughed and had fun on that beautiful warm day in the summer sun. I love when it's sunny and there is no rain. And I love taking walks down Primrose Lane! ~Dan Greene~

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